Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!

hi, Kresna
I'm Meg from Japan.
How are you doing?
I'm really missing you and always thinking about the time I had in Indonesia. I really want to go back to Indonesia and see you and the children in the village again.

I really had a good time with you but I'm sorry because I couldn't talk with you so much. I wish I could speak English well and have enough time to talk with. but I got a little nervous in front of you, so I couldn't.
sorry for that, Kresna.
And I wrote a note to you on the last day but I couldn't give it to you because I might have started crying. ( I was always crying on the last 2 days though) but as I already said to you, your smile made me so happy and I also enjoyed your guitar and singing.

thank you so much for having a great time with us.
Keep smiling!

ini email pertama yang dikirim seorang teman di jepang setelah ia beranjak dari indonesia, megumi sato. sengaja ku posting karena tanggal 21 april yang lalu dia merayakan hari jadinya yang ke 21. meskipun terlambat, tapi ikhlas ku ucapkan "Happy birthday".

so meg, sorry i know its too late, but i just want to say happy birthday to you!

1 comment:

yayasanlangit said...

salam kenal sonne. oiyo. alumni taun brapo? apo nih skrg kegiatan?